Monday, December 08, 2003

Catchup day

That's as in a day to catch up.

I've been falling behind in things I wanted to post, so I thought today I'd try to churn out a bunch of things I wanted to alert folks to, even if I attach little or no commentary

By the way, any and all feedback is encouraged. The blog doesn't have the capability to post responses here, but do email them to me. And when you do, let me know if it's okay to quote you. As a general rule, I won't quote from your email unless you say I can - I do, however, reserve the right of "fair use" (i.e., quote just a snippet or two attributed to "a reader") and to hold up to public ridicule any reactionary toads who respond with their usual foul-mouthed vitriol.

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// I Support The Occupy Movement : banner and script by @jeffcouturer / (v1.2) document.write('
I support the OCCUPY movement
');function occupySwap(whichState){if(whichState==1){document.getElementById('occupyimg').src=""}else{document.getElementById('occupyimg').src=""}} document.write('');