Sunday, December 07, 2003

If that didn't, this will

From the New York Times for December 2:
Moscow, Dec. 1 - In America the relationship between big business and politics may often be cozy; in Russia it is fast becoming intimate.

The nation's largest businesses, from oil giants to banks to manufacturers, have not only poured money into the parliamentary elections to be held on Sunday, but have also filled party tickets with dozens of their own executives. ...

Twelve years after the collapse of the Soviet one-party state, big business has become by far the most influential force in Russia's elections, providing money and candidates and also profoundly altering party platforms and, in some cases, turning traditional ideologies upside down.

"There is not a single large company in Russia that is not involved in politics," said Boris G. Fyodorov, a former deputy prime minister and banker who is running for a seat from southeast Moscow representing a smaller party, Russia Forward. ...

Regardless of which party wins the most seats, the nation's largest companies appear certain to be well represented in the new Parliament, wielding enough influence to propose or block legislation affecting corporate interests, from taxes to regulation of natural resources. ...

Dmitri I. Orlov, deputy director of the Center for Political Technologies in Moscow, predicted that executives would win more than 20 percent of Parliament's 450 seats. Another 40 percent could end up in the hands of what he called "hidden lobbyists," candidates supported by businesses to protect the interests of specific industries.
Who knew they would be able to adopt American-style democracy so quickly?

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