Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Will the real Saddam Hussein please stand up?

In a CBS News story for December 20 on the confrontation between Saddam Hussein and four members of the Iraqi Governing Council, the prisoner is variously described as

- "lost hope ... resignation ... a defeated man"
- "very defiant, very unrepentant ... no remorse ... very unapologetic"
- [he said he was] "elected ... people have elected him to rule Iraq ... [the people celebrating his capture, he said, are] thugs, hooligans, gangsters"
- [people in mass graves were] "thieves, or they escaped from the battlefield," [he said]
- "swearing ... the 'F words' and the 'B words.'"
- "psychologically he was ruined - very demoralized, broken, irritable"
- not cooperative

So is he defeated, demoralized, broken? Or defiant, making accusations, not cooperative? I suspect the jumbled message is because the US and the IGC haven't yet decided which image is more politically useful. Look for one of those two images to prevail over the next few weeks.

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