Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Just wondering

Is it just me, or does anyone else see a connection here?

Friday, January 9 - CBS releases first excerpts from transcript of Paul O'Neill's "60 Minutes" appearance

CNN headline, Saturday, January 10: O'Neill: Bush planned Iraq invasion before 9/11

Saturday, January 10 to Monday, January 12 - Controversy about O'Neill's charges about Iraq and Bush

CNN headline, Tuesday, January 13, 10:42 AM EST - Treasury wants O'Neill papers probed

CNN headline, Tuesday, January 13, 4:07 PM EST - O'Neill denies use of secret papers

CNN headline, Tuesday, January 13, 5:47 PM EST - O'Neill says war plans account distorted

In that latter statement, O'Neill completely capitulated to the right-wing spin machine's line: "Actually, there was a continuation of work that had been going on in the Clinton administration with the notion that there needed to be regime change in Iraq." That is completely at odds with his previous statements that in NSC meetings he was surprised that no one asked in relation to Iraq "Why Saddam? Why now?" but it will be blasted around to get Bush off the hook.

Let's see how aggressively the "probe" about his supposed use of classified information is pursued now.

Footnote: This also serves to point up the amazing efficiency of the reactionary echo chamber. This is from the last article.
A senior administration official told CNN that early Bush administration discussions regarding Iraq reviewed existing policies and plans.

Officials were particularly concerned with enforcement of the "no-fly" zones, where Iraqi air defense forces had been taking potshots at U.S. and British warplanes since late 1998.
That claim appeared on conservative discussion boards over the weekend. By Tuesday, it's official policy.

Give 'em their due: They may be slime, but they're good at being slime.

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