Friday, January 16, 2004

Who would doubt it?

The opening and closing paragraphs of a CNN story.
Washington (AP, January 16) - The Bush administration, hoping to fend off Democratic attacks that it has failed to come to the aid of the country's ailing manufacturing sector, is calling for the creation of a new presidential council to give U.S. companies a greater voice in government decisions. ...

The report was being released after a recent series of discussions that Evans' department held around the nation to gather input from manufacturers.
So let's see. According the to Bushites, the shrinkage in our manufacturing base has nothing to do with outsourcing, mergers, failure to reinvest, globalization and the associated race to the bottom, or any other form of profiteering. No, it's all because business doesn't have enough of a voice in government decisions! And how do they know that? Why, business told them!

Well, then, it must be true. After all, look how environmentalists dominated those discussions Dick Cheney had about energy policy.

Update: Edited to add the link to a NAFTA story at "globalization."

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