Monday, February 02, 2004

I just want the truth!

From CNN for February 1:
Washington - Bowing to political pressure, President Bush will name a bipartisan, independent commission this week to review prewar U.S. intelligence about Iraq's weapons programs, administration sources said Sunday.
And I'm sure it will get the same support and cooperation the 9/11 commission has received.

Update: CNN for February 2 says that Bush will personally name the members of the commission. He also, it seems, intends to decide the limits of its mandate and the conditions under which it will work.

That didn't take long, did it?

Footnote: Scott "The Mouth" McClellan got off two great lines during the press briefing on the matter. First:
"We got it right that Saddam Hussein was a grave and gathering threat. We got it right that he had the intention and capability. He was a threat. We got it right."
McClellan would not give a timetable for the commission to issue its findings.

"It is important that the commission's work is done in a way where it doesn't become embroiled in partisan politics," he said.
What a card. He's got to be among the fastest-rising comedians in the US.

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