Monday, February 02, 2004

More bucks for the bang

Another one of those needs-no-comment items. The BBC for February 1.
American defence spending is set to pass the $400bn mark next year. ...

The budget request represents a 7% increase on last year's total and the big winner appears to be the Pentagon's controversial missile defence system.

It is set to see an almost 20% increase in its budget. ...

But despite the budget's anticipated $401bn price tag, it is unlikely to be enough to cover what the defence department says it needs.

The Pentagon is expected to ask Congress for tens of billions of dollars more later this year, specifically to fund its operations in Iraq.
Meanwhile, non-defense discretionary spending is to be held to 0.5% growth - less than inflation, less than the growth in the economy. Was that "compassionate conservative?" Or "come, pass the hat conservative?"

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