Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Offensive is right

Wal-Mart on PR Offensive to Repair Image
Chicago (Reuters, February 1) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is tired of critics who say it is a behemoth bent on destroying small-town America, driving down wages and shipping jobs to foreign sweat shops.
They're not tired of being a behemoth bent on destroying small-town America, driving down wages and shipping jobs to foreign sweat shops, they're just tired of people saying it.

Alien Language Dept.: Yeah, they're mad as hell and they're not gonna take it anymore.
"No one likes to hear someone say something negative about their family," said Wal-Mart spokeswoman Sarah Clark.
Family? What on Earth is she talking about?

Lessons in Logic Dept.: According to Wal-Mart Vice Chairman Tom Coughlin,
"If our wages and benefits were so bad, we wouldn't have had that type of attraction with the customer."
Yeah, and that's why those Gap t-shirts sold so poorly, too.

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