Monday, March 08, 2004

The story continues

A few quick updates on Haiti, based on BBC reports for March 8.

- Gunmen believed to be associated with pro-Aristide militias opened fire on a crowd of 10,000 anti-Aristide demonstrators in Port-au-Prince on Sunday. At least six people were killed. (Update via CNN: US Marines admitted killing one of those who died on Sunday, insisting it was a gunman firing on the soldiers. The death toll reached 10, plus at least 59 more injured.)

- Speaking at a news conference in the Central African Republic, Aristide insisted that he remains the elected head of his country and called for "peaceful resistance" in Haiti and the restoration of democracy. He also repeated claims that US agents kidnapped him and forced him to leave Haiti. Some suggested that his appearance was intended to squash rumors that he was a virtual prisoner and CAR Foreign Minister Charles Wenezoui read a statement by Aristide saying he had been "well looked after." However, one of Aristide's lawyers said officials at the presidential palace prevented him from passing a note to his client.

- The insurgents continue to escalate their demands beyond getting rid of Aristide. Demonstrators demanded he be returned to Haiti for trial. Opposition figure Evans Paul went beyond even that, saying "his people must also be tried for looting state coffers and murdering civilians."

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