Saturday, May 01, 2004

If this is true, it's very disturbing

As reported by the BBC on Thursday,
President George W Bush says he had a "wide-ranging and cordial" conversation with the commission investigating the 11 September 2001 attacks. ...

"I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I took the time... I enjoyed it," Mr Bush said after the conversation lasting more than three hours.
Bush's very own Charles Sandman, Republican Jim Thompson, said there was some laughter and "the president is a bit of a tease."

So much for an actual investigation.

Footnote: Shrub "laughed off" the idea that the joint appearance with the Big Dick Cheney was to avoid the possibility of contradictory testimony."
"If I'd had anything to hide, I wouldn't have met them," Mr Bush told reporters outside the White House.
Uh, excuse me, but -

- Bush opposed creation of the commission, only giving in under political pressure.

- The White House dragged its feet on providing documents, only giving in under political pressure and even then putting harsh limitations on access.

- Bush opposed extending the time for the commission, only giving in under political pressure.

- Bush resisted having Condoleezza Rice appear, only giving in under political pressure.

- Bush initially refused to appear, then wanted questioning limited to one hour with just the chair and co-chair of the commission, in each case only giving in under political pressure, then would agree to appear only together with Cheney, only in private, and only if there was no official record or transcript of the meeting.

Just what part of that does not sound like a person with something to hide?

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