Monday, May 31, 2004

Important addendum for those who want to say it's just campaign posturing

This is from an article in the May 30 Toronto "Star" discussing rising calls in the US, including among Democratic Party activists, for a commitment to a rapid withdrawal from Iraq:
Kerry had to face the question head-on Friday during a town-hall meeting in Green Bay, Wisc.

"What do you plan to do to bring our troops home?" a woman in the audience demanded of the candidate.

"I'm going to get our troops home as fast as possible with honour and the job accomplished in the way it needs to be," Kerry responded.
It is truly depressing to see the man who 30 years ago stung the heart of a nation by asking "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" embracing the Nixonian rhetoric of "peace with honor."

Footnote: A little while ago, the ISP I use actually ran a poll asking if people could see a difference between the positions of Bush and Kerry on Iraq. The very existence of the question speaks volumes.

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