Tuesday, June 22, 2004

...but sometimes it's hard...

Amnesty International charges in a new report that the so-called "war on terror" has had a "profound and far-reaching impact" on human rights in the Gulf region, says the BBC for June 22.
The organisation says Gulf states, along with the US, show a "disturbing disregard for the rule of law and fundamental human rights standards".

It says a region whose rights record had been improving was now using the war as a cover for repression,
including, AI's report says,
mass arrests, prolonged detention without charge or trial, incommunicado detention, torture and ill-treatment, strict secrecy surrounding the fate and whereabouts of some detainees, and apparent extra-judicial killings.
Now, isn't this yet another result of our "war" that was predicted by the left? Didn't we say that cozying up to repressive regimes would just give them carte blanche to continue, even increase, their repression? Weren't we the ones who said this "Do as we (pretend) to say, not as we do" crap was not going to fly? Weren't we?

Jeez, we are just so far out of touch with reality....

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