Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Danger, Will Robinson, danger!

From TomPaine we learn that Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) are reconstituting the old war hawk Committee on the Present Danger. This time, the ever-present, ever-growing, ever-looming, ever-underestimated-by-all-those-fools-out-there danger is not communism, of course, but "Islamic extremists."

Check out the membership list. So many old friends, so few new faces. That may actually be a good thing, yes?

Lieberman and Kyl announced their intention in an op-ed piece in Tuesday's Washington Post; it featured a wonderfully muddled metaphor about turning tides threatened by undercurrents washing away gains - those undercurrents, of course, being those of "public pressure," which apparently is an illegitimate force in their world.

They finished up by saying that
[t]ogether, we will prevail, and freedom's reach will expand.
Through the purity and essence of our natural fluids.

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