Wednesday, July 28, 2004

What goes around....

Remember Cynthia McKinney, the former black Congresswoman from Georgia who was labeled a nutcase, "loony," because she said George Bush knew about 9/11 in advance? The one whose defeat in the 2002 primary by the hand-picked candidate of the Georgia Democratic establishment was cheered by all right-thinking (in both senses) commentators?

The one who actually didn't say what she was accused of saying but something else entirely? Remember her?
The big story is the return of Cynthia McKinney to the U.S. Congress. Voters of the 4th District gave her the nod with 51 per cent of the vote. McKinney bested a field of five other candidates in a bid for the seat she lost two years ago to Denise Majette.

McKinney will face Republican Candidate Catherine Davis in the fall, but is favored to win the heavily Democratic District,
said the Atlanta Daily World on July 21.

That was enough to move headcase Daniel Pipes to proclaim that "radical Arab and Muslim causes ... have achieved their first significant electoral victory in the United States." Pipes accused McKinney of "drawing on Arab and Muslim supporters ... [to] an extraordinary extent...." The "extraordinary extent" consisted of a list of exactly 17 donors associated with Arab or Islamic groups, which become "radical organizations," apparently by definition.

Well, I can safely say that as a general rule, anything that upsets Daniel Pipes is okay by me.

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