Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Important footnote to the preceding

This is something I've been thinking about for a little while and I want to throw it out there: Is there anyone among you who would be interested in making this a team blog?

I'm serious. My intent is not to take any "burden" off myself; I would intend to continue posting as I have been. But a second poster could increase not only the number of posts but the range of topics covered, making this a more useful undertaking for readers while increasing (hopefully significantly) its audience at the same time.

There would be certain requirements. First, we would have to be generally on the same page politically. Not that we would never disagree or have differing interpretations of events or their significance, but we should lie on at least roughly the same part of the political spectrum. I've no desire to see this become a "he said, she said," "point-counterpoint" place.

The other is technical. To be blunt, I've seen too many blogs full of garbled writing and fractured links, rife with typos. While I'm hardly guiltless of any of those faults, I make conscious efforts to avoid them, including re-reading things before I post them to look for garbled syntax (my biggest crime), spell-checking every post, and reviewing links to make sure they actually go somewhere. I would want you to do the same.

If you think you'd be interested, either email me or post a comment here and we'll "talk" - actually, email - about it.

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// I Support The Occupy Movement : banner and script by @jeffcouturer / (v1.2) document.write('
I support the OCCUPY movement
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