Saturday, September 04, 2004

Awww, poor babies!

According to a study by a human resources consulting firm, says MSN Money on Saturday,
[i]ncreased oversight of chief executive compensation has placed a lid on big salary jumps for CEOs in very large U.S. organizations....

CEO pay at companies with revenue of more than $5 billion rose just 5 percent over the last three years.

However, top brass at large companies, or companies with revenue between $1 billion and $4.9 billion, saw pay levels climb 12 percent. CEOs at mid-sized companies with revenues of $100 million to $999 million fared even better. Their pay packages jumped 14 percent between 2000 and 2003.
Yes, life is just so hard at the very top, when your pay goes up only 5% at a time median income is falling and poverty is increasing. After all, if those of us at the bottom are getting less, shouldn't there be even more for you? How unfair!

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