Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The failure of "Anybody But Bush," part one

I'm tempted to think this will be an on-going series, but we'll see.

Writing in the August 25 New York Times (via the International Herald Tribune) about the possibility of the neocons mounting an Iran-related "October surprise," William Pfaff says
Israel reportedly contemplates a unilateral attack on Iran's nuclear installations. It would want America's permission, so it needs to get it while it is sure Bush is president.
Now seriously, honestly: Considering the positions John Kerry has taken on Israel and the Palestinians, considering what he's said about the territories and the settlements, considering what he's said about the "threat" from Iran, does anyone actually doubt that a John Kerry White House would give whatever permission was felt necessary for such an attack? So then what is Pfaff offering other than wishful thinking - and that by implication - that a Kerry presidency would bring a different policy?

Thanks to Information Clearinghouse for the link.

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