Monday, September 13, 2004


According to Reuters for September 12,
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said on the third anniversary of the September 11 attacks war was not the right way to beat terrorism. ...

"I do not believe that conventional war - even less a preventative one - is the correct method for combating international terrorism," he said in the interview, given six months after the deadly train bombings in Madrid.

"In the face of terrorism we must be firm, we cannot give in, but we should confront barbarism with the legitimacy conferred by the rule of law, using our intelligence services, our police and legal forces in a more effective and coordinated way," said Zapatero, who ordered Spanish troops out of the US-led force in Iraq a day after being sworn in in April.

"At the same time, we also have to fight the underlying causes that feed fanaticism and give terrorism wings."
Seems to me I just said that. In fact, I've been saying it for nearly three years.

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