Thursday, September 09, 2004

Uh-oh, Science Div.

Yet another way for those who have power to keep tabs on those who do not.
Forensic scientists have developed a technique which should allow police and immigration officials to find out where a person has been living for the last few months or years - by analysing residues in their hair.

Recent research has revealed that hair, as well as urine and saliva, contains information about what food and drink a person has consumed - and where that food came from.

This should allow police to devise a simple, inexpensive test to find out which region of which country a person has been living in.
Even though more people are eating foods that have been transported a great distance, the developer of the method insists that
"[t]here is still enough information to be able to get a picture of where people have been living."
And I'm sure that when somebody objects when police start picking up fallen hairs to keep track of where they've been, courts will rule that such hairs are "waste material" in which you have no privacy interest, no matter what they may show about you. And when police start demanding hair samples to "check the alibis" of people they're investigating, a suit will be dismissed on the grounds that "the invasion of privacy is minimal."

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