Saturday, October 02, 2004

A footnote to lurking shadows

On Thursday, I mentioned the grave concern about a provision in the bill supposedly implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations that actually would legalize the policy of "rendition" - sending an alien terrorist suspect to a country that would torture them.

There's an update:
The Nine-Eleven commission is asking House Republican leaders to modify a proposed intelligence reform bill.

Commission leader Thomas Kean is asking that "controversial" provisions and those that are not part of the commission's recommendations "be part of another bill at another time."
While the article does not mention the rendition provisions, Kean's call for anything not part of the Commission's proposals to be removed would certainly cover it.

(By the way, I should note that not all of the Commission's ideas are good ones and some have raised civil liberties concerns. But the issue here is using Kean's statement to press for getting the provisions related to rendition stricken.)

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