Sunday, October 10, 2004

"If I only had a brain"

And now a few words from one of the folks who was right about Iraqi WMDs, or at least righter than most.
London, October 10 (AFP) - US President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are "clinging to straws" to justify their war against Iraq, Hans Blix, the former UN chief arms inspector in Iraq, said in an article published Sunday.

Blix, writing in The Independent on Sunday, cited the official US report which concluded this week that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction before the war despite the leaders' claim to the contrary.

Inspectors appointed by Bush to verify the president's assertions about banned weapons "have had to acknowledge that the reality on the ground was totally different from the virtual reality that had been spun", he wrote.
The straws they're clinging to are the ones they're plucking out of their own heads, Dorothy.

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