Saturday, November 13, 2004

Don't go down without a fight

The Green and Libertarian Parties have announced their intention to jointly demand a full recount of all presidential ballots cast in Ohio. As ballot-qualified candidates, they have the legal authority to make that demand.
"Due to widespread reports of irregularities in the Ohio voting process, we are compelled to demand a recount of the Ohio presidential vote. Voting is the heart of the democratic process in which we as a nation put our faith. When people stand in line for hours to exercise their right to vote, they need to know that all votes will be counted fairly and accurately. We must protect the rights of the people of Ohio, as well as all Americans, and stand up for the right to vote and the right for people’s votes to be counted. The integrity of the democratic process is at stake," the two candidates said in a joint statement.

The candidates also demanded that Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a Republican who chaired the Ohio Bush campaign, recuse himself from the recount process.
Citizens' and voting rights groups in Ohio have organized two public hearings about irregularities and voter suppression. The first was held today; the second will be on Monday.

The fee for the recount is estimated at $113,000; the total cost, including all other expenses, will run to $150,000, which the two campaigns are seeking to raise. Donations can be made here through PayPal or by mail; the address is at the link. Donations by credit card can be made at the Cobb campaign website at the above link.

As of 8PM Saturday, over $112,000 had been raised, making the campaigns confident their goal would be reached.

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