Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Just FYI

Leonardo DiCaprio - yes, that one - has a website devoted to environmental issues. And actually, it's pretty good. In fact, it was through that website that I found this little gem of inanity:

BushGreenwatch reported on October 29 that
The federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, appointed last year by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services, has rewritten national dietary guidelines for the American public in a manner that is "so vague as to be meaningless," a group of national nutrition experts is charging.
It really is hilarious. The committee, "stacked with members who have strong ties to the food, drug and dietary supplement industries," has taken the solid data in the report and reduced it to pointless bromides for guiding consumers. (Yes, nit-pickers, I know "pointless bromide" at least borders on a redundancy. Consider it merited emphasis.)

For example, in place of previous specific advice such as "choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat," the new guidelines say "choose fats wisely for good health." In place of "choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars," we now have "choose carbohydrates wisely for good health." That is really useful "advice" - for anyone who previously was actively planning on choosing unwisely and knew what foods had the levels of fats and carbohydrates that would help them along.

One bit of light here is that it means that even now, even these people can't just deny the health hazards of too much saturated fat and too many carbohydrates. Even now there is some limit to what the bozos of corporate America can get away with.

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