Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Bear with me

Blogspot has been having all kinds of weirdness the last 2-3 days. Very sluggish response, long delays, sometimes no response at all only to pop up quickly the next time some request was made to the server. The only things I could do easily were sign in and sign out; everything else was a struggle.

I came on today to add the update to the item about the evolution polls only to discover that the version displayed on the blog and the version that came up when I went to edit it were not the same!

When I finally got that straightened out, I realized that the next post, the one about the Kerry worker at NYU, had vanished. So I reposted that (back-dated, or back-timed, actually, to the time I originally posted it) and I think things are as they should be.

But bear with me; if this keeps up I may have to make some changes. I understand Blogger was having some tech troubles and maybe that's all it was. But I can't continue taking the 10-15 minutes it was taking to get a pre-written item posted.

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// I Support The Occupy Movement : banner and script by @jeffcouturer / (v1.2) document.write('
I support the OCCUPY movement
');function occupySwap(whichState){if(whichState==1){document.getElementById('occupyimg').src=""}else{document.getElementById('occupyimg').src=""}} document.write('');