Thursday, December 16, 2004

Happy belated anniversary

An anniversary I let slip by without giving it its proper notice was that of the capture of Saddam Hussein. Remember? The event that was going to put an end to the resistance in Iraq, the resistance he was coordinating personally? Ah, such a sweet moment when it was announced "Ladies and gentlemen, we got him." Everything, we were told, was going to come up roses from there on out.

This is what I said at the time:
I admit I'm less excited about the capture of Saddam Hussein than many others are (or claim to be). That doesn't mean it's not a good thing: All tyrants should have to take their turn in the dock - although it is hard to think of a sentence that could be pronounced on Saddam that would measure up to the crimes he committed. No, it's because I'm more interested in practical results than symbolism, which is what this really is. That is, I don't believe it will really change things on the ground in Iraq, either politically or in terms of security, except perhaps in the short run.
What difference did I think his capture would ultimately make? "A little - maybe." Apparently, even at that I overspoke.

Still, who wins the prediction prize - the White House or me?

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