Friday, January 21, 2005

Know your enemy

I said Shrub and the Shrubberies are not invulnerable and they're not. But it is wise to keep in mind just what kind of people they are.

They are bold-faced liars and malignant hypocrites: Bill O'Reilly recently said of the ACLU "Fascism, fascism, fascism. Okay? Ah, drive me nuts! Hitler would be a card-carrying ACLU member. So would Stalin. Castro probably is. And so would Mao Zedong."

They are suffused with arrogance and believe they are beyond the law:
In a stunning legal attack, Ohio's Republican Attorney General has moved for sanctions against the four attorneys who sued George W. Bush et. al. in an attempt to investigate the Buckeye State's bitterly contested November 2 election.

[They] were named by Attorney General James Petro in a filing with the Ohio Supreme Court. Petro charges the November Moss v Bush and Moss v. Moyer filings by the Election Protection legal team were "frivolous." Petro is demanding court sanctions and fines.
The motion was filed at the request of the Secretary of State, GOPpie J. Kenneth Blackwell. The state Supreme Court had dismissed the suits at the request of the plaintiffs after Blackwell and others in the state government refused to supply documents and refused to be deposed in connection with the suit, making winning it impossible.

In a sharp letter to Petro, Rep. John Conyers said he has "serious doubts about the validity" of Petro's motion, labeling it "far-fetched" and "overtly partisan." He noted the report issued as a result of his (Conyers') investigation into irregularities in the Ohio election as proof against the claim the suit was frivolous.
It is also noteworthy that the Ohio Secretary of State intentionally delayed certifying the vote, thereby insuring that the recount could not be completed by the date the electoral college met on December 13. The Ohio Secretary State also refused to respond to numerous questions regarding the irregularities submitted to him by several members of the House Judiciary Committee, has refused to respond to a single concern set forth in the Judiciary Report, and also sought a protective order to avoid any discovery related to the legal challenges.
Conyers challenged Petro to make public a list of sanctions cases "brought and considered" since January, 2003, particularly those under Ohio election laws. I think we can assume he'll get as much cooperation on this latest request as he has on the previous ones.

They are financially and politically corrupt: In the January 18 issue of Salon, Peter Dizikes has a list of 34 scandals connected to the Shrub administration. Too many to list here, they include wrongful corporate favoritism, illegal campaign contributions, felonious disruption of election campaigns, lying about post 9/11 air quality in New York City, and ignored conflict-of-interest laws right up to President AWOL's Texas Air National Guard disservice, torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay, Iraq, and the outing of Valerie Plame - not to mention six investigations involving Halliburton and a few others that will make you go "oh, yeah! I'd forgotten that!"

And finally for the moment, they are whining crybabies when things don't go just the way they want: They are still challenging the result of the Washington governor's race.
Republicans hoping for a new vote in the bitterly disputed Washington governor's election asked a county judge Thursday to hurry along the case. ...

The Republicans want [Judge John] Bridges to order a revote....
These are the same people who, when it appeared their guy, Dino Rossi, had beaten Chris Gregoire by 42 votes, were screaming at her to give it up and go away and stop making a fuss. Now that the final results say she won by 129 votes, more than triple Rossi's supposed margin, they're running around, stomping their feet, blubbering "No fair! No fair! We call do-over!" Just like the spoiled brats they are.

Footnote: One Shrubbery, headed from the inaugural parade to some fat cat private party or another, said to a group of demonstrators staging a die-in "You lost. Get over it."

Somebody shoulda said "Tell it to Dino Rossi."

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