Tuesday, January 11, 2005

They see you when you're sleeping, they know....

Or at least it's going in that direction.

Software makers have joined the recording industry in trying to crack down on people sharing files across peer-to-peer networks. As part of that, they want internet service providers to give them the names and addresses of customers they suspect of distributing copyrighted software.

For their own business reasons, the ISPs have generally refused such demands, insisting they should be expected to violate their customers' expectations of privacy only as the result of a subpoena issued as part of a lawsuit. That, they say, also limits the number of frivolous requests. Federal courts have tended to agree.

The recording industry has responded by filing a boatload of lawsuits. Oh, but the software industry wants none of that hassle. No having to show proper cause or any of that legal stuff. Oh, no.
Software makers Thursday asked Congress to make it easier to track down people who copy their products over the Internet....

The Business Software Alliance, a lobbying group whose members include Microsoft Corp. and Apple Computer Inc., said Internet service providers like America Online should be required to reveal the names of customers who may be distributing copyright software through "peer to peer" networks like Kazaa.
That is, they want your identity available to them on request, based on nothing more than idle suspicion - indeed, not necessarily based on anything at all. And since they would not have any agreement with you to keep that information privileged, they could distribute it at will. And the whole idea of privacy online goes out the window.

Yeah! None of this recording industry 7,000-suits-a-year nonsense! Exploit the system? Liberal Hollywood wimps! Software, now there's a real American industry! The rules don't give you what you want? Change the rules! Because, after all, your profits and your convenience outweigh all other concerns. So you go, Gates and gang! Yeah!

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