Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What have we all been saying about image versus reality?

So Dan Bartlett, an advisor to President Napoleon, was on "Meet the Press" offering a slippery defense to charges that the Social Security Administration is actively pushing the White House line of an impeding "crisis." He replied by saying that employees wouldn't be asked to advocate "any specific prescription," which, of course, was not the charge and thus stands as a classic non-denial denial. So far, much as to be expected.

But Dan let something slip, we learn from the New York Times article:
Mr. Bush wants to allow workers to put some of their Social Security payroll taxes in private accounts that could be invested in stocks and corporate bonds. The president believes that "personal accounts are a part of the solution to the problem, to help give people a greater sense of return," Mr. Bartlett said.
A greater sense of return. Not a greater return, a greater sense of one. As long as the peasants can be kept distracted and happy with the songs and dances, the Emperor and his Lords and Ladies can go on their merry way.

Footnote: The Times also noted that SSA's marketing plan to press "solvency issues" came up shortly after the Armstrong Williams farce.
Mr. Bartlett said the administration was conducting a review to see if other journalists had been paid to promote administration policies.
Uh, you mean you don't know?

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