Thursday, February 03, 2005

News flash: US Senate endorses torture

The votes are in and counted. To what should be no one's surprise, Alberto "It Used to be Albert but Now It's Alberto 'Cause That Way We Can Say You're a Racist if You're Against Me" Gonzales has been approved as Attorney General. It had, of course, been a foregone conclusion ever since, as the Washington Post said on Wednesday,
Democrats concluded they had neither the votes nor the political stomach to block confirmation of Gonzales.... After a bruising debate last week followed by the confirmation of Condoleezza Rice as the first black woman to be secretary of state, some Democrats were concerned that they would be perceived as opposing qualified minority candidates.
In other words, since the Dummycrats yet again decided to let the reactionaries define the terms of debate instead of standing in the Senate and labeling those who even imply such a thing as what they are: without honor, without decency, without morality, without honesty.

The vote was 60 - 36. The yes vote included 54 GOPpies and 6 Dummycrats; 35 Dums voted no along with Jim Jeffords (I-VT). One GOPper, Conrad Burns of Montana did not vote; neither did three Dums: Max Baucus (Montana), Kent Conrad (North Dakota), and Daniel Inouye (Hawai'i).

The roll of shame, in addition to the four who missed a chance to take a stand against torture, consists of all GOPpers plus these Dums:

Mary Landrieu (Louisiana), Joe Lieberman (Connecticut), Ben Nelson (Nebraska), Bill Nelson (Florida), Mark Pryor (Arkansas), and Ken Salazar (Colorado).

May shame and disgrace follow their names until they are blotted out.

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