Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Footnote to the preceding

From Reuters for Tuesday comes news of a minor hitch in the World According to Rumsfeld.
Buenos Aires, Argentina (Reuters) - Argentina and Washington failed on Tuesday to reach an agreement granting U.S. troops immunity from prosecution in the South American country, a major stumbling block in efforts to resume joint military exercises. ...

Washington has asked some countries like Argentina to sign immunity agreements which exempt U.S. nationals from the International Criminal Court. The United States fear soldiers could be used in local rights cases as political pawns.
Yeah, and if you think that's the real reason as opposed to a conviction that international law is what we impose rather than what we follow, that a government that couldn't even be bothered to make sure its own soldiers were equipped with body armor going into combat is now displaying a touching concern for their legal rights, I have a bridge for sale.

Argentina has a bit of negotiating room here because the US
is anxious to show its gratitude for the leadership by Brazil and Argentina in the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Haiti.
What's more, with Argentina and Brazil joining Venezuela in moving to the left, even the Shrub gang is likely feeling limitations on just how many governments in the region it can tick off.

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