-Jael Phelps, showing her love of humanity-
What's wrong with Kansas? Sometimes, nothing.
Voters [in Topeka] on Tuesday upheld an ordinance that prohibits discrimination against homosexuals in municipal hiring, turning back a repeal movement led by a minister known for picketing the funerals of AIDS victims,AP noted on Wednesday, adding that the attempt of one of his granddaughters to replace an openly gay member of the City Council "fell far short."
The minister in question is the noted homophobe and bigot Rev. Fred Phelps Sr. The ordinance he wanted to repeal was adopted in November after being pushed by council member Tiffany Muller, the same member that granddaughter Jael Phelps tried to replace. Not only did the ballot measure fail, Phelps finished a distant fourth in a field of four; Muller is in a runoff to be decided on April 5.
Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said the vote was encouraging, coming after voters last year amended 13 states' constitutions to ban gay marriage.A better question is why Fred Phelps would represent the views of anyone sane. This is a man so consumed with hatred, so warped by bigotry, that his own home church's website is called godhatesfags.com and an associated site is called godhatesamerica.com. So twisted of soul that he not only celebrated the tsunami - thus the picture above of Jael Phelps - he wrote
"This really was a question in every gay American's mind whether Fred Phelps represented the voters of Topeka," he said.
America, who is awash in diseased fag feces & semen, and is an apostate land of the sodomite damned. Let us pray that God will send a massive Tsunami to totally devastate the North American continent with 1000-foot walls of water doing 500 mph - even as islands in southern Asia have recently been laid waste, with but a small remnant surviving.A small remnant in which he no doubt expects to find himself.
Phelps is also a racist, anti-Semitic, Catholic-hating, wife- and child-beater. You may also want to - if you can bear it - check here. A reporter for a Topeka paper sued the paper in a dispute over work product, in this case a series on Phelps. As part of the suit, the text was printed as an exhibit, making it a public document.

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