Thursday, May 05, 2005

Just a reminder

According to open letters to him from Dennis Kucinich and Tom Hayden, on April 20, while speaking to an ACLU group in Minnesota, Howard Dean, the firebrand who was going to send the GOPpers packing, said "Now that we're there [in Iraq], we're there and we can't get out.... I hope the President is incredibly successful with his policy now."

Never forget: We are on our own.

If we're going to stop the Bushite mean machine, we have to cease looking for a Democrat that we can all mass behind and follow. Instead, we have to be looking for ways to say to the Democrats (and the Republicans, albeit the Dems will likely be easier to move) "You will do this" on the war, on health care, on the environment, on civil justice and civil rights, on anything else we deem important. In finding and using those ways, we are, again and never forget it, on our own.

Thanks to Democratic Left Infoasis for the tip.

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