Thursday, June 02, 2005

Another question I'll be old before anyone asks

It appears that a good part of the reason the White House has refused to turn over to Congress documents relating to John Bolton's previous work for the administration is that they include the names of American companies involved in violations of export restrictions to China and others nations. Certainly, the "No CEO left behind" administration is not going to embarrass good, upstanding, American corporations! Instead,
the White House has said that Congress has "all the information it needs" to decide on Bolton's nomination...."
But then here's the question I'm still waiting for someone to ask: Who the flaming hell are they to decide that? Why does the White House, pushing for their boy, supposedly get to decide what information Congress needs to make a determination? They're not even saying it's irrelevant (which would be absurd), they're saying it's unnecessary. But since it clearly does relate to what Bolton has done and how he did it, it is just as clearly relevant and therefore it's entirely reasonable to want to see it. So why doesn't someone ask Shrub, why doesn't someone ask Scottie McMouthpiece, where the administration gets off declaring that it can on its own authority decide for Congress what is enough information?

I'm waiting....

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