Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stunning developments

The police department of Merrillville, Indiana,
[f]aced with growing liability risks, ... has decided to stop using its stun guns on combative suspects[, says the Indianapolis Star for Tuesday].

Police Chief Nick Bravos said the department chose to get rid of its 12 Taser guns. Instead, its officers will use pepper when faced with out-of-control suspects. ...

To prevent any person from being endangered by the stun guns' electrical shocks, Bravos said he decided the department could do without them.
Previous posts about tasers have come on March 7, 2004, July 26, 2004, November 14, 2004, January 15, 2005, January 21, 2005, and April 20, 2005.

Footnote: Chief Bravos also said he'd made use of double-locked handcuffs mandatory. Double-locking prevents the tendency of the cuffs to continually tighten, leading to injury. The motive may have been to avoid liability suits, but still, I'd call it a good thing.

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