Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hold on

Okay, so it won't be in a week. But there's a reason.

One of the reasons I gave for no longer doing Lotus was that "I don't think what I'm accomplishing here is worth the effort I'm putting into it." (It's just a couple of posts down - you can read it for yourself if you like.) A specific reason for that was the lack of a high-speed connection. Simply put, doing this via dial-up meant taking an inordinate amount of time waiting for information to come up.

But at long last, I'm getting a DSL connection and so intended to plunge in again. "Succumb[ing] to the addiction" is how Kevin Hayden of The American Street put it.

However - after a couple of delays and a frustrating series of four phone calls totalling three hours to tech support, during which one person insisted my computer was at fault and another seemed to have only the vaguest idea of that they were doing, they finally concluded my brand-new DSL modem, which they supplied, is defunct.

So now I have to wait to be sent a new one - after which I will have more interesting experiences, I expect, trying to set up my half-set-up account.

Bear with me a little longer. It is coming. Really.

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I support the OCCUPY movement
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