Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Footnote to the preceding, Some Hope Div.

Raw Story reports that the soggy waffle imitation being enacted by the House Democratic leadership has sufficiently angered members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus that they plan to push for an amendment to Iraq war funding to require withdrawal on a timetable.

A month ago, the Caucus made clear what such an amendment would say:
We believe all appropriations for U.S. military involvement in Iraq must be for the protection of our troops until and during their withdrawal within six months of the date of enactment of this limitation and accelerating the training and equipping of additional Iraqi security forces during that six-month time frame. ...

Finally, we are opposed to establishing any permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq, support rescinding the President’s Iraq war authority, and support greater diplomatic and political engagement in the region, while ensuring that the Iraqi people have control over their own petroleum resources.
If Raw Story is right, what has changed in the last month is that the members of the Caucus have gotten so fed up with the leadership that they intend to offer the amendment from the floor whether Pelosi, et. al., like it or not. That would be a good thing. No, it wouldn't pass but it would establish the legitimacy of making the call.

Important historical note: The first proposed amendments to get out of Vietnam were handily defeated, as well.

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