Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Footnote to the preceding

Who said this:
Iraq is a nasty place to fight. But there are no neat and tidy battlefields in the struggle for freedom; there is no "good" place to die. And it is far better to fight in Iraq - over there - than fight some years hence within our own frontiers.
Nope, you're wrong. I guarantee it. Because as much as it sounds like some things we hear now justifying the Iraq war, it actually was an adaptation of this real quote:
Vietnam is a nasty place to fight. But there are no neat and tidy battlefields in the struggle for freedom; there is no "good" place to die. And it is far better to fight in Vietnam - on China's doorstep - than fight some years hence in Hawaii, on our own frontiers.
That was H. W. Baldwin, writing in the New York Times Magazine, February 21, 1965, discovered while looking for a link on the domino theory.

Even the bullshit is a retread.

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