Friday, July 04, 2008

Déjà vu

Ah yes, the "good" war, the "right" war, the one all good liberals not only supported but continue to support, yeah, that one, the "other" war, the one we, um, "won." From ABC News for Friday:
The Pentagon has extended the tour of 2,200 Marines in Afghanistan, after insisting for months the unit would come home on time.

The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, which is doing combat operations in the volatile south, will stay an extra 30 days and come home in early November rather than October, Marine Col. David Lapan confirmed Thursday. ...

[Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said] that commanders in Afghanistan "asked for 30 more days to milk the fighting season to the bitter end and cement the gains they have made in the south."
In other words, to put paid to the dead-enders and the fighting there is in its last throes.
In the last two months, violence in Afghanistan has led to more U.S. and coalition casualties there than in Iraq, and June was the deadliest month for U.S. troops in Afghanistan since the war began.
Déjà vu indeed. I can only assume that in 2011 we will be hearing about the "enormous progress" the Afghanistan surge is making.

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