Thursday, October 02, 2008

Maybe this is the one that will get them thinking

Maybe a different kind of tragedy is what's required to move them. From Reuters:

A New York City police lieutenant committed suicide on Thursday, eight days after ordering the use of a Taser stun gun against an emotionally disturbed man who then fell to his death, police said.

Lt. Michael Pigott had been on desk duty since the September 24 incident, when police responded to an emergency call saying that a man, Iman Morales, 35, was behaving erratically in his Brooklyn apartment.

Police chased Morales naked through the building and then he stepped onto a ledge. After a standoff, Pigott, a 21-year veteran of the police department, ordered a sergeant to fire a Taser at Morales.

Morales fell 10 feet (three meters) to the sidewalk and died of severe head trauma.

Pigott was stripped of his gun and badge and put on desk duty for violating department rules against using a taser in "in situations where the subject may fall from an elevated surface." He was described by colleagues as "torn up" over the incident and he said he was "truly sorry."

Apparently, he was. On Thursday morning, he went into a police locker room, got another officer's gun, and shot himself in the head.

The sharp edge of this double tragedy is that Michael Pigott, the man who realized the enormity of what he had done, who apparently knew there had to be consequences, it couldn't be brushed off, became his own second victim, one more sufferer, physically and mentally. And at the same time, those who would dismiss what happened to Morales, just like those who shrugged off the cases of Pastor Al Poisson, of Andrew Meyer, even of Robert Dziekanski, undoubtedly sleep quite soundly.

But this time a cop died. So maybe, just maybe, it will make them think a little.

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