Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Footnote to the preceding

DR Congo has long charged that Tutsi-ruled Rwanda is actively aiding the rebellion of fellow Tutsi Laurent Nkunda. Now the United Nations has added its voice.
U.N. spokeswoman Sylvie van den Wildenberg told The Associated Press in Goma that Uruguayan peacekeepers saw Rwandan tanks and other heavy artillery fire into Congo on Wednesday as Nkunda's forces advanced toward the regional capital, Goma.

On Friday, Gen. Jorge Rosales, chief of Uruguay's army, said rebel troops "have tanks and heavy artillery" from Rwanda and that intelligence reports "indicate there are soldiers from that country integrated in the rebel forces."

Van Wildenberg said U.N. officials had asked the Rwandans about the firing and they denied it.

"But we saw it. We observed it," she said.
Rwanda denies any involvement in DR Congo, but it has done so before only to later admit that in fact it had troops there. So consider the source.

Besides the update, there is one other reason I felt compelled to post this: I first came across it on TalkingPointsMemo.com - one of the "big blogs" I sweepingly denounced as ignoring the story. No, it's not that TPM is a great source for international news and yes, it is almost drowning in election news, but I did think I needed to acknowledge it - especially since election coverage is much more TPM's raison d'ĂȘtre than that of a lot of the other biggies who seem unaware the rest of the world (other than Iraq, Afghanistan, sometimes Iran, and once in a while Pakistan) exists.

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