Thursday, November 29, 2012

Left Side of the Aisle #84 - Part 2

Clown Award: Kill strippers!

Scott Lively is a supposed minister in Springfield, Massachusetts. He gained notoriety by being behind the drive for a bill in the nation of Uganda that makes being gay punishable by death.

Apparently, though, gays aren't his only target for death. There are also strippers.

This past Friday, November 23, a gas explosion in Springfield leveled a strip club and severely damaged several other buildings in the area. Eighteen people were injured.

Lively released a statement saying that for two years, his church services "have included an appeal to God to destroy the works of Satan in this city. We have specifically included the strip clubs in these prayers."

He declared the blast was "the hand of God at work in answer to our prayers."

Remember, other buildings were damaged and 18 people, including nine firefighters, two cops, four gas workers, a water-and-sewer worker, and two other people. But all of that is okay with Lively and, he says, with God - because, well, strippers.

Scott Lively - one of the clowniest clowns I've ever featured.


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