Thursday, January 03, 2013

Left Side of the Aisle #89 - Part 6

Outrage of the Week: NRA pushes for deregulation of silencers

The latest campaign of the NRA - the Nutzoid Rabbit-brains of America - is to join with manufacturers of gun accessories (Remember, the NRA is just a lobbyist for the gun industry) to campaign to deregulate and promote the use of silencers.

Yes, silencers, because the thing we really really really want to do is to let someone like Adam Lanza keep the noise down so maybe it'll be longer before anyone else realizes what's going on and sounds an alarm.

Oh, but that has nothing to do with this! How dare I even think such a thing! No, this is all about concern for - get this - the hearing health of children.

I'm serious. The argument is that the noise of gunfire at a shooting range can damage the hearing of children there and what's worse, the noise can frighten them and make them less likely to want to shoot things and people and stuff. Again, I'm serious: Silencers are described by one advocate as good for "getting younger folks involved [in guns]. They’re less afraid of the loud bang.”

Silencers are now legal with a permit in 40 states, so it's not like they are or are going to be banned. But they are subject to a federal tax and the serial number is entered into a federal registry. Which of course is just horrifying because, well, that might keep some people from buying them!

So we have to deregulate, decontrol, and make universally available and untraceable something that in its modern incarnation was created in 1967 by a former CIA black ops contractor named Mitch WerBell - known in gun circles as the Wizard of Whistling Death - who designed if for the conscious and specific purpose for use in death squads and assassinations because it suppressed not only the noise but also the flash.

And it's all for the sake of the hearing, comfort, and convenience of recreational shooters who find orange earplugs too much of a bother.

Outrage hardly describes it.


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