Monday, October 26, 2015

224.7 - Everything You Need to Know: about money in politics

Everything You Need to Know: about money in politics

Okay, next up we have another of our occasional segments, this one called Everything You Need to Know. It's where you can learn a great deal about something in a very short time. In this case, it's Everything You Need to Know about the reality of money in politics.

However, this one does requires a bit of background by way of a time line.

August 10 - Smirking little prig Martin Shkreli acquires the rights to Daraprim, used to treat toxoplasmosis.

Martin Shkreli
September 17 - Shkreli has jacked the price of Daraprim up by 5500%.

September 21 - Sen. Bernie Sanders, in his role as ranking member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, writes to Shkreli, saying the Committee is investigating drug prices and asking for information.

September 28 - Smirking little prig Martin Shkreli makes the maximum legal individual donation, $2700, to the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders.

October 15 - The Sanders campaign says it will not keep the money.

Sen. Bernie Sanders
Instead, it will donate it to the Whitman-Walker health clinic in Washington, DC, which specializes in HIV/AIDS treatment and care for the LGBT community in the city.

Also on October 15 - Smirking little prig Martin Shkreli admits he "mainly" gave the money to get a private meeting with Sanders.

And so here we are: Smirking little prig Martin Shkreli openly acknowledges that he expected his money would buy him access to a senator and this has become so routine, so everyday, that he didn't even feel the need to shroud it in obfuscating language.

And that is Everything You Need to Know.

Sources cited in links:

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