Wednesday, January 01, 2020

The Erickson Report, Page 1: First of 2020

The Erickson Report, Page 1: First of 2020

So here we are, doing this the first week of January 2020. January is named for Janus, the Roman god of transitions, who could see the past and future simultaneously - which you know if you were paying attention during the last show. Which makes it a good time for one of those yearly wrap-ups that programs like this one love so much. We start by looking at the past.

We did cover a lot of ground since we started out in May. We talked about abortion rights, about how police training leads to police shootings, about personal privacy issues, we spent an entire show on international news, we took A Longer Look at Venezuela and at immigration - in fact, measured by the number of occurrences, we covered immigration more than any other issue. We also took A Longer Look at the BDS movement and Israel, at the flaw at the heart of our justice system, and at the history of repeated US abandonment of the Kurds; 2019 was not the first time.

But we know that our most popular feature is Two Weeks of Stupid: Clowns and Outrages. So to note the turn of the year, we are going to present our choices for Clowns of the Year and Outrage of the Year or 2019.

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I support the OCCUPY movement
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