Monday, December 29, 2003

Bragging on myself (again)

From the Christian Science Monitor's "Daily Update" on terrorism and security for December 19:
Blix also said he believes most of Iraq's WMD were destroyed in 1991, during the first Gulf War. (Other WMD experts, such as former weapons inspector Dr. Raymond Zilinskas of the Monterrey Institute of International Studies agrees with this position, saying that some WMD potential was probably kept and supported in case the opportunity arose in the future to once again try to dominate the region, but "this was not a major effort.")
Some of us, I must egotistically note, had kinda already thought of that. Last February 7, I wrote to someone in response to their comments on Iraqi WMDs
Do I think it possible that Iraq has some small quantities of chemical and/or biological weapons stashed away in the hope that maybe sometime in the future the program could be restarted? Yeah, I certainly can buy that. But considering that the last, much (and unfairly) maligned round of inspections so degraded Iraq's capabilities that even after four years of a supposedly free Iraqi hand, it's proven difficult to find even a trace of a chemical/biological program and a nuclear program seems nonexistent (even Powell's effort in that area seemed pro forma), can that possibility fairly be described as a threat to us? In fact, to anyone?

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