Monday, December 22, 2003


Ben Shapiro is a right-wing columnist. He's also an obnoxious little twerp. Okay, no surprise there. What gets him fawning attention from his fellow travelers is that he's a young obnoxious little twerp. Nineteen, in fact. Like others of his ilk, he seems incapable of constructing an argument that does not revolve around ad hominem attacks and a wholly unjustified sense of personal superiority. They tell us he's a senior in college, but that's hard to believe as both his style and his humor are so sophomoric. But then again, I suppose that doesn't differentiate him from his colleagues, either.

What brings this up - and believe me, it's about the only thing that could - is that I was directed to a recent column of his slamming Al Franken with his usual lack of grace, style, or wit. (The link came from AlFrankenWeb, an "unofficial fanpage" run by Eric Hananoki, aka The Hamster, one of my favorite blogs.)

You can read Shapiro's maunderings if you like, although you needn't bother. Just scroll down to the bottom of the column and see what you find just below it. I swear when I first saw it I thought it was a joke. It's not.

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