Monday, December 22, 2003

Forewarned is forearmed

General Plans Changes in Afghan Strategy
Kabul, Afghanistan (AP, December 21, 2003) - In a significant switch in strategy, U.S. troops plan to set up bases to provide reconstruction aid in provinces plagued by Taliban attacks, the new U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Saturday in his first interview since taking charge.

Lt. Gen. David Barno told The Associated Press that the move will make the troubled south and east safer for aid workers and open the way for landmark Afghan elections in mid-2004. He also predicted a sharp reaction from insurgents.

They're "going to realize that's the death knell to terrorist organizations in that part of the country," said Barno. "We'll be prepared for that."

A wave of violence this year has belied U.S. claims to have brought security to Afghanistan, two years after an American-led assault drove the Taliban from power for harboring al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden.
Isn't a "change in strategy" two years out a sign of failure? Can we expect to see articles like:
General Plans Changes in Iraqi Strategy

Baghdad, Iraq (AP, December 21, 2005) - In a significant switch in strategy, U.S. troops plan to set up bases to provide reconstruction aid in provinces plagued by Iraqi insurgent attacks, the new U.S. commander in Iraq said Saturday in his first interview since taking charge.

Lt. Gen. David Barno told The Associated Press that the move will make the troubled mostly-Shia south and the "Sunni triangle" safer for aid workers and open the way for landmark Iraqi elections in mid-2006. He also predicted a sharp reaction from insurgents.

They're "going to realize that's the death knell to terrorist organizations in that part of the country," said Barno. "We'll be prepared for that."

A wave of violence this year has belied U.S. claims to have brought security to Iraq, more than two years after an American-led assault drove Saddam Hussein from power.

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