Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Looking for links for that I found this - read on!

This is from the frothing right-winger Cal Thomas. The column is dated November 15, 2001.
George McGovern was right.

The publication of "Reaching for Glory: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1964-1965" by historian Michael Beschloss (Simon & Schuster) should end the argument as to who was right about the Vietnam War. George McGovern was right, and so were his Senate colleagues who opposed the war even before he did, including Mark Hatfield, R-Ore., Wayne Morse, D-Ore., and Ernest Gruening, D-Alas.
Thomas goes on to describe how "the escalation of America's role in Vietnam began with a lie" (the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident) and continued to expand even though Johnson told intimates that "America could never win the war in Vietnam."
Senators McGovern, Hatfield, Gruening and Morse took a lot of heat for their principled opposition to the war. Hatfield, a practicing Christian, was told by critics he was opposing God. The others were called communists or communist sympathizers.... ...

A staggering 58,000 Americans are dead because Johnson would not listen to his inner voice, revealed on the tapes, or the voices of McGovern, Hatfield, Gruening and Morse, who many conservatives at the time labeled un-American.

Among the many lessons of Vietnam, which, as Beschloss notes, can teach us something about present and future conflicts, is that no president should have exclusive power when it comes to committing so many American lives and resources to a war.

The Johnson tapes should also teach conservatives a lesson. Many anti-war activists love this country as much as those who supported the Vietnam War. Just because someone is of a different party or persuasion does not necessarily mean they are wrong.
You might want to clip that out to have to show a screaming acquaintance or three if the occasion arises.

Update December 13: Edited to correct typos.

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