Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Coming soon! To a blog near you!

I'm working on a way to get a comments feature added here. I'm no expert in HTML, so I sort of have to use "here ya go" coding, but I expect to have something going in the next few days.

I don't expect a lot of comments because frankly I don't think I get a lot of traffic. But if anyone is reading this and you think you have something to add, by all means do.

There are, however, a few rules.

1) Be reasonably civil. You can call George Bush, Howard Dean, Britney (I'm so out of touch I don't even know if that's spelled right) Spears, or any other public figure pretty much anything you want within the bounds of legality. But that doesn't extend to private individuals and I include both myself and commenters here in that category. (Criticism - even harsh - of positions, not people, is okay.) I understand that occasionally an epithet like "listen, dummy" will come through but I reserve the right to decide some exchange has gotten too nasty and cut it off.

2) Be reasonably relevant. Comments should have something to do with the post at issue. I recall a recent exchange where a post on privacy almost immediately turned into a two-person technical argument about bandwidth and future expansion of the Web. Not here.

3) Be reasonably intelligent. Trolls who are here simply to yank my or anyone else's chain will be dumped.

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// I Support The Occupy Movement : banner and script by @jeffcouturer / (v1.2) document.write('
I support the OCCUPY movement
');function occupySwap(whichState){if(whichState==1){document.getElementById('occupyimg').src=""}else{document.getElementById('occupyimg').src=""}} document.write('');