Saturday, February 14, 2004

Happy Valengeek Day

This from NBC-TV for February 13.
Los Angeles - If anyone's ever promised you the sun, the moon and the stars, tell them you'll settle for BPM 37093.

That's the name of a burned-out star with a gigantic diamond at its core. It was discovered by scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

The huge chunk of crystallized carbon is about 2,500 miles across.

It's also about 300 trillion miles away, making it difficult to bring this celestial bling-bling home for your Valentine.

Astronomers have long suspected that white dwarf stars crystallized when they burn out, but only recently confirmed that.
Since our sun will become a red giant in about 4 billion years or so and then, after the outer surface puffs away, will be such a white drawf, it means the sun will eventually become a gigantic diamond floating in space.

Ah, romance.

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